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3. Are You a Chronic Dieter?

Feel like you’re stuck in a never-ending loop of dieting, only to find yourself right back where you started—or worse?

Today, Holly Toscanini dives into the detrimental impacts of chronic dieting, offering a lifeline to anyone caught in its cycle. It’s not just your waistline that’s at risk; your physical, emotional, and even mental health pay a heavy toll. Instead of latching onto every new diet fad, we’ll explore science-backed alternatives like intuitive and mindful eating that focus on listening to your body’s natural signals. So, take a step back from social media and diet culture’s unrealistic expectations, as we journey towards a more balanced, accepting, and ultimately healthier life.

Key Takeaways:

  1. The Dieting Downfall: Understand why chronic dieting isn’t just an ineffective long-term solution but a dangerous cycle with severe health consequences.
  2. Ditching Diet Culture: Learn to navigate away from the siren call of diet culture, replacing it with a focus on intuitive and mindful eating.
  3. Body Autonomy and Self-Acceptance: Discover the importance of loving and accepting yourself regardless of size or weight, anchored by research in psychology and nutrition.
  4. The Perils of Perfectionism: Explore how striving for an impossible standard can lead to a host of issues including depression, anxiety, and even addiction.

Is your diet causing more harm than good? Take this free quiz to find out

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