Words Have Power

50. Speaking of Ourselves: How Language Shapes Women’s Reality

Explore how words shape our reality, influence body image, and reinforce gender stereotypes. Join Holly Toscanini in discussing how shifting our internal and external language can transform our relationship with food, body acceptance, and self-worth. Learn how to reclaim your body and autonomy by choosing empowering words. 

Key Takeaways

Words Shape Our Reality: The language we use, whether in everyday conversations or our internal dialogue, holds the power to shape how we perceive ourselves and the world around us. Shifting harmful narratives, like replacing ‘flawed’ with ‘unique,’ can positively impact our self-image and mindset.

Language and Gender Bias: Gendered language often reinforces societal power dynamics. Words used to describe women, such as ‘hysterical’ or ‘bossy,’ can limit how we view ourselves and our potential. By choosing words that empower rather than diminish, we challenge these harmful stereotypes.

Reclaiming Ownership of Our Bodies Through Language: Words like ‘sexy’ and ‘sexual’ illustrate how language can either objectify us or help us reclaim agency over our bodies and desires. By consciously selecting words that reflect our true sense of self, we take back ownership of our identity and autonomy.


“5 Everyday Words Women Need to Delete from Their Lives”  By Elise Loehnen Published: Jun 29, 2023 Oprah Magazine

Freedom From Diets Assessment: Evaluate Your Path to Body Peace and Food Freedom

A Comprehensive 4-Part Assessment To Uncover How Diet Culture Has Impacted Your Mindset, Eating, Body Confidence, and Intuition. 

This tool is designed for self-discovery and growth in intuitive eating, body acceptance, and a non-diet mindset. It will help me understand your personal history and challenges and suggest how you can move closer to living a non-diet lifestyle.

Free Quiz: What’s Your Dieting Personality? 

Free Quiz: Is Your Diet Causing More Harm Than Good? 

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