Say, "When!"
What's Your Dieting Personality

21. What’s Your Dieting Personality?

Are you The Optimistic Struggler, The Confused Seeker, The Frustrated Quitter, or The Reluctant Accepter?
This episode emphasizes that diet culture does not determine our worth or happiness, and encourages people to take back their power, redefine their own standards of health and beauty, and embrace intuitive eating practices and body acceptance.

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19. Embracing Movement

In this insightful episode of ‘Say When,’ Holly Toscanini invites you to reframe your entire understanding of exercise through the liberating lens of non-diet self-care. The focus here isn’t about sculpting the ‘perfect’ body—no, this conversation is about embracing movement as a joyful act of self-respect, love, and holistic well-being.

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17. Transforming Women’s Lives The Power of Non-Diet Coaching

Feeling like you’re perpetually stuck in a dieting doom-loop? That ends today. As a non-diet coach, I’ve created a sanctuary for you to prioritize your health through sustainable, soul-nourishing changes. Say ‘Say When!’ to fads and quick fixes; we’re all about lifelong well-being here.

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7. Healing Our Body Image

Get ready to unpack the insidious cultural norms that shape our perception of beauty and, in turn, our body image. In today’s episode, Holly Toscanini dives deep into the damaging effects of constantly comparing ourselves to impossible beauty ideals. We’ll tackle the big questions: How have these influences seeped into our self-worth? Why do we let society dictate how we should look? We’ll shed light on why diet culture is a false prophet in the quest for genuine self-acceptance. It’s time to liberate ourselves from these constraints and journey toward a neutral—or even positive—body image.

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6. Understanding Intuition

Do you ever get that gut feeling but brush it aside, only to regret it later? Today, Holly Toscanini explores the treasure trove that is your intuition. We all have this innate ability to sense the unseen, but not everyone harnesses its full power. This episode delves into how intuition is intrinsically linked to mind, body, and spirit, offering not just guidance but also a greater connection to your authentic self. From tapping into your intuitive eating signals to overcoming cognitive biases, we’ll arm you with practical tools and practices like mindfulness, journaling, and even small decision-making techniques. It’s time to stop sidelining your inner wisdom and start putting it center stage in your life.

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5. Why Is It So Hard To Change?

Do you find yourself fixated on life’s setbacks, to the point where they overshadow your victories?
You’re not alone—this is known as ‘negativity bias,’ and it can be a major roadblock when trying to adopt healthier habits. In today’s episode, Holly Toscanini tackles how this innate human trait can muck up our plans for positive change, especially when it comes to our relationship with food and our bodies. Forget relying solely on willpower; we’re going to discuss concrete strategies for managing your thought patterns to drive meaningful change.

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4. Loving Your Body Is Optional

Are you tired of feeling like you have to measure up to society’s unrealistic beauty standards?
In this episode, Holly Toscanini delves into how cultural norms distort our perception of beauty and undermine our self-worth. By letting these distorted messages take root in our minds, we’re doing more than just damaging our body image; we’re eroding our intrinsic value. Don’t let diet culture dictate your journey to self-acceptance; Holly offers tangible resources and support through her website and Instagram to guide you on a more authentic path.

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