Say, "When!"
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11. Change Your Mindset With Self Compassion

In this empowering episode, we dive deep into the radical act of extending kindness to yourself—especially when it comes to the loaded subject of emotional eating. Forget judgment or self-criticism; we’re creating a welcoming space to explore what your body and emotions are really trying to tell you. Rooted in evidence-based practices, this episode teaches you how to foster genuine self-compassion, embracing our shared human experience of coping with emotions through food.

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10. Practicing Self-Acceptance & Body Neutrality

Imagine a life where you look in the mirror and see only possibilities, not ‘flaws.’ Welcome to an episode that’s all about trading body negativity for body neutrality and unconditional self-acceptance. Here, we dive into why body acceptance isn’t just a catchphrase—it’s a vital component of embracing our personal power. We’ll explore the art of nourishing, moving, and resting our bodies not as a punishment but as an expression of self-love. We’ll debunk the myth of ‘perfection,’ freeing you from the societal lens that measures your worth by your appearance. If you’ve ever felt stuck in the loop of poor body image, this episode is your key to breaking free.

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9. Everything You Know About Dieting Is Wrong

This episode tackles the myths and fabrications that diet culture has been peddling, hoodwinking us into a perpetual cycle of dieting, guilt, and shame. Have you ever felt like you’re ‘not enough’ simply because of the number on the scale? Or believed that if only you had more willpower, you’d finally reach your ‘ideal’ weight? We’re pulling back the curtain on the big lies that keep us trapped in a diet mentality. From the deceptive allure of ‘sugar-free’ foods to the damaging notion that weight loss is a mere numbers game, we’re dismantling these toxic myths one by one.

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8. Intuitive Eating Myths

Ready to get off that wheel and discover a genuinely satisfying relationship with food and your body? This episode is your invitation to a more intuitive, freeing way of eating. We dive into the 10 principles of Intuitive Eating, exploring mindful eating and systematic habituation as liberating alternatives to traditional dieting dogma. Forget the outdated terms like ‘detoxing’ and ‘clean eating’; we’re embracing pleasure-oriented food choices and non-judgmental awareness. Whether you’re dealing with emotional eating or navigating biological hunger, this episode paves the way for a transformative, joyful relationship with food and exercise.

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7. Healing Our Body Image

Get ready to unpack the insidious cultural norms that shape our perception of beauty and, in turn, our body image. In today’s episode, Holly Toscanini dives deep into the damaging effects of constantly comparing ourselves to impossible beauty ideals. We’ll tackle the big questions: How have these influences seeped into our self-worth? Why do we let society dictate how we should look? We’ll shed light on why diet culture is a false prophet in the quest for genuine self-acceptance. It’s time to liberate ourselves from these constraints and journey toward a neutral—or even positive—body image.

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5. Why Is It So Hard To Change?

Do you find yourself fixated on life’s setbacks, to the point where they overshadow your victories?
You’re not alone—this is known as ‘negativity bias,’ and it can be a major roadblock when trying to adopt healthier habits. In today’s episode, Holly Toscanini tackles how this innate human trait can muck up our plans for positive change, especially when it comes to our relationship with food and our bodies. Forget relying solely on willpower; we’re going to discuss concrete strategies for managing your thought patterns to drive meaningful change.

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1. A Non Diet Approach

Join Holly Toscanini as she candidly shares her own roller-coaster journey with the all-too-common struggle to conform to society’s ‘ideal’ beauty standards through restrictive diets.

Having walked the path, she’s transformed her life’s mission to guide others away from the clutches of diet culture. Now, as a corporate wellness coach, health educator, and your personal guide to body acceptance, Holly draws upon her first-hand experiences and expertise to help you redefine what health really means. Break away from damaging beliefs and discover how to create a peaceful relationship with food and your body—empowered, not ensnared, by your unique journey.

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