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35. Unshrinking: Overcoming Misogyny and Fatphobia

Today’s episode discusses the complex and often challenging topics of misogyny and fatphobia. Drawing inspiration from the works of philosopher and author Kate Manne, Holly explores how societal standards and biases shape our perceptions and treatment of women’s bodies. This episode isn’t just about understanding these issues; it’s a call to action for personal empowerment and societal change.

Holly emphasizes the psychological and emotional toll these societal pressures can have on women. She provides practical strategies for individuals to challenge internalized beliefs about body image and self-worth, highlighting the importance of self-compassion, self-care, and resilience. Holly also discusses the critical role of collective action, encouraging listeners to critically evaluate media messages, engage in advocacy and education, and support one another in the journey toward body positivity and inclusivity.

Key Takeaways

Understanding Misogyny and Fatphobia

Psychological Impact

Strategies for Personal Empowerment

Importance of Collective Action

Empowerment Leads to Societal Change

This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to understand and challenge the deep-seated biases against women’s bodies and embrace a journey of self-love and collective empowerment.

Unshrinking: How to Face Fatphobia by Kate Manne

Holly Toscanini

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